Download Animals United Full Movie | How To Download Animals United

Genres: Animation , Family
Actors: Billy Beach , Jim Broadbent , James Corden , Nicola Devico Mamone , Marc Diraison , Omid Djalili , Jason Donovan , Dawn French , Thomas Fritsch , Stephen Fry , Michael Glover , Mischa Goodman , Oliver Green , Jason Griffith , Peter Groeger
Director: Reinhard Klooss , Holger Tappe
Country: Germany
Year: 2010
IMDB Rating: 4.7/10 (2294 votes)

A group of animals waiting for the annual flood they rely on for food and water discover that the humans, who have been destroying their habitats have built a dam for a leisure resort. The animals endeavor to save the delta and send a message to the humans not to interfere with nature.

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How To Download Animals United


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