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Genres: Drama , Romance
Actors: Bharati Achrekar , Amrita Arora , Sharman Joshi , Katrina Kaif , Arbaaz Khan , Salman Khan , Sohail Khan , Isha Koppikar , Anupam Maanav , Suresh Menon , Rishi Nijhawan , Gul Panag , Sharat Saxena , Dalip Tahil
Director: Atul Agnihotri
Country: India
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 3.6/10 (645 votes)

Hello... is a tale about the events that happen one night at a call center. Told through the views of the protagonist, Shyam, it is a story of almost lost love, thwarted ambitions, absence of family affection, pressures of a patriarchal set up, and the work environment of a globalized office. Shyam is losing his girl friend because his career is going nowhere as he trudges his way around in a call center. His girl friend, Priyanka, is also an agent like him at the call center who is about to be snatched by an NRI technogeek. There is also the aspiring model, Esha, who is hoping for the break that seems to be always already eluding her and the man about town, Vroom, who is into well, things. The housewife, Radhika, who is constantly at the receiving end of her mother-in-law and a beleaguered grandfather, Military Uncle, who has been barred from interacting with his grandchild make up the rest of the call agents who see their worlds crumbling around them as the decisions of right sizing are conveyed by Bakshi, the boss. It is a night when dreams will finally crumble. Or will it? For there is that call from God. Narrated as a tale within a tale as a beautiful woman meets the auteur narrator and promises him a story on the condition that he has to narrate it further, Hello, based on Chetan Bhagat's one night @ the call center, is the one remarkable story from Tales from a Thousand and One globalizing, urban, Indian Nights. Written by Reel Life Production While his helicopter is being serviced, singer/dancer Khan is told a story by an attractive woman. The tale revolves around the lives of seven Mumbai-based call center workers, all Hindus, who are allocated Christian names, instructed never to reveal their location, and speak with an American accent by a Boston-based company. There is Shyam - who attempts to deal with the fact that his sweetheart/fellow-worker, Priyanka, is getting married to U.S.-based Ganesh; Varun - who is unable to woo his co-worker, Esha; Radhika - who is neglected and harassed by her husband, Anuj, and mother-in-law respectively; a lonely worker - Military uncle - is prevented to communicate with his grandson; while their boss, Subhash Bakshi, attempts to further his career by plagiarizing software, agrees to lay-off 40% of the Indian workforce, and re-locate to Boston. Their lives undergo changes when a mysterious caller phones them after their vehicle gets involved in a life-threatening accident.

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