Download Taxi to the Dark Side Full Movie | Where To Watch Taxi to the Dark Side The Movie

Genres: War , Crime , Documentary
Actors: Greg D'Agostino , Thomas Curtis , Damien Corsetti , Jack Cloonan , Dick Cheney , Doug Cassel , William Cassara , Brian Cammack , Jack Cafferty , George W. Bush , Willie Brand , Christopher Beiring , Moazzam Begg , Brian Keith Allen , Alex Gibney
Director: Alex Gibney
Country: United States
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 8.0/10 (4187 votes)

Using the torture and death in 2002 of an innocent Afghan taxi driver as the touchstone, this film examines changes after 9/11 in U.S. policy toward suspects in the war on terror. Soldiers, their attorneys, one released detainee, U.S. Attorney John Yoo, news footage and photos tell a story of abuse at Bagram Air Base, Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo Bay. From Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Gonzalez came unwritten orders to use any means necessary. The CIA and soldiers with little training used sleep deprivation, sexual assault, stress positions, waterboarding, dogs and other terror tactics to seek information from detainees. Many speakers lament the loss of American ideals in pursuit of security.

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Where To Watch Taxi to the Dark Side The Movie


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