Download Imagining Argentina Full Movie | I Want To Watch The Full Movie Of Imagining Argentina

Genres: Thriller , Romance , Drama
Actors: Horacio Obón , Ana Gracia , Concha Hidalgo , Stella Maris , Carlos Kaniowsky , Luis Antonio Ramos , Anthony Diaz-Perez , Leticia Dolera , Rubén Blades , Maria Canals-Barrera , Emma Thompson , Antonio Banderas , Hector Bordoni , Fernando Tielve , Irene Escolar
Director: Christopher Hampton
Country: United States, United Kingdom, Spain
Year: 2003
IMDB Rating: 6.1/10 (2042 votes)

A W Bergh, Stockholm: Heard about the green Ford Falcons of Buenos Aires? Death mobiles they was called and were doing the same dirty job for president Videla and a string of junta generals... See full synopsis »

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