Download Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road Full Movie | The Full Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road Film Online

Genres: Adventure , Comedy , Drama
Actors: Matthew Edison , Paul Brogren , Wayne Robson , Gary Oldman , Michael J. Fox , James Marsden , Melyssa Ade , John Bourgeois , Roz Michaels , Amy Stewart , Christopher Lloyd , Jonathan Whittaker , Mark Lutz , Krista Leis , Michael Rhoades
Director: Bob Gale
Country: Canada, United States
Year: 2002
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10 (15548 votes)

Neal Oliver is a young artist, but his father doesn't like his choice and wants him to go to Oxford. Everything changes after Neal's meeting with O.W.Grant, who grants exactly one wish per person, as his name suggests. Neal wishes for answers, and so he must travel to the nonexistent Danver by the nonexistent Interstate 60. In this trip he hopes to find the girl of his dreams, following the trail of her photos on the advertising stands along the route. Many encounters await him ahead. Will he receive what he asked for?

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