Download Krakatoa: East of Java Full Movie | Free Download Krakatoa: East of Java Movie

Genres: Adventure , Drama
Actors: Maximilian Schell , Diane Baker , Brian Keith , Barbara Werle , Sal Mineo , Rossano Brazzi , John Leyton , J.D. Cannon , Jacqui Chan , Robert Hall , Victoria Young , Marc Lawrence , Midori Arimoto , Niall MacGinnis , Joseph Hann
Director: Bernard L. Kowalski
Country: United States
Year: 1969
IMDB Rating: 5.1/10 (611 votes)

The Dutch East Indies, in the late 19th century. Capt. Hanson of the "Batavia Queen" is preparing to embark on a salvage expedition. His mistress, Laura, knows the location of a ship belonging to her late husband, a shipwreck concealing a cargo of rare pearls. A diver and a diving bell are aboard ship. But a government agent coerces Hanson into accepting a shipment of convicts for the ship's hold. The wreck lies dangerously close to the erupting volcano on the island of Krakatoa, where Laura's young son attends the convent school...

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