Download Hellraiser: Bloodline Full Movie | Hellraiser: Bloodline The Movie

Genres: Horror , Sci-Fi
Actors: Bruce Ramsay , Valentina Vargas , Doug Bradley , Charlotte Chatton , Adam Scott , Kim Myers , Mickey Cottrell , Louis Turenne , Courtland Mead , Louis Mustillo , Jody St. Michael , Paul Perri , Pat Skipper , Christine Harnos , Wren T. Brown
Director: Kevin Yagher , Alan Smithee
Country: United States
Year: 1996
IMDB Rating: 4.7/10 (8764 votes)

It's the year 2127. Pinhead, the evil cenobite of the series, has found himself on board a space station in outer space, run by scientist Dr.Merchant. Dr. Merchant's mission is to close the gates to hell forever. Because his ancestor, a toymaker in the 18th century, built the evil puzzlebox that opens the gates to hell. And through the generations, the family of the bloodline has tried to stop it. But now, Dr.Merchant has built the reverse box. The box that will close the gates to hell instead of opening it.

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Hellraiser: Bloodline The Movie


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