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Genres: Horror , Thriller
Actors: Jesse Bradford , Sienna Guillory , Scot Williams , Steven Berkoff , Emily Hamilton , Justin Urich , Joanna Moskwa , Benedict Taylor , Sam Alexander , Scott Joseph , Jason Durran , Steven France , Zac Fox , Richard Pendry-King , Kai Portman
Director: Josef Rusnak
Country: United States, Luxembourg
Year: 2010
IMDB Rating: 4.2/10 (211 votes)

Jack Parsons grew up in poverty while suffering through childhood at the hands of an abusive, alcoholic father. Jack's brother-like bond with his wealthy neighbor Freddy, and his secret love for Anne the neighborhood beauty, were all that made life tolerable. Now at college, Jack attacks life with a vengeance. Fuelled by narcotics, alcohol, and a "can't lose philosophy", he runs with the popular crowd, pledges the school's most exclusive fraternity, and continues to pine for Anne even though he knows Freddy loves her. The drugs, booze and death defying initiation process cannot stop Jack, but a series of devastating blackouts that force him to question reality stagger Jack like a backhand smack from his old man and threaten to end his perfect life.

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