Download Soul Surfer Full Movie | High Quality Soul Surfer Movie

Genres: Sport , Drama , Biography
Actors: John Philbin , Titus Kinimaka , Cody Gomes , Branscombe Richmond , Craig T. Nelson , Jeremy Sumpter , Sonya Balmores , Chris Brochu , Ross Thomas , Carrie Underwood , Kevin Sorbo , Lorraine Nicholson , Dennis Quaid , Helen Hunt , AnnaSophia Robb
Director: Sean McNamara
Country: United States
Year: 2011
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10 (16867 votes)

13 year-old Bethany Hamilton is a champion surfer who was born to be in the water. But after a fun night out night surfing and what should be a fun day in the water, she is attacked by a shark and loses her arm. Rushed to the hospital, she remains calm, and maintains her faith in God. Now she has to re-learn how to do everything with only one arm - including how to surf. It will take her friends, family, and her Christian faith to get her back into the water, but if that is where she is meant to be, she will find a way to get there.

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